Get your travel wardrobe ready

If you're planning a Summer getaway, 'what to take?' is a question that fills our minds in the days leading up to our departure. You'll need something that's easy to wash, doesn't crease too much, can be worn time and again, and has that level of versatility that means you don't have to change time and again, as your day progresses and your adventures take off.
We've tempted women from across Australia (and around the world for that matter) and are now hearing back stories of where their Es Una Rashie Dress or Summer Snood has enabled them to go - and we have been quite astounded about just how far we've travelled with them.
Our Racer Back Rashie Dress has been cruising the Caribbean.
Our Shoulder Shrug Rashie Dress has been parading the Noosa promenade.
Our A Line Rashie Dress has been relaxing in resort pools in Bali and smashing white water rafting outside Singapore.
Our Cover Up Rashie Dress has been kayaking in Western Australia..
We have plenty of solutions for your Summer getaway. Check out our range of swim dress and modest swimsuit options and choose Es Una to complement your travel wardrobe and kick off your next adventure.