Master the art of the beach this Summer

If escaping to the beach has filled your mind with dread, then you obviously haven't found our award winning range. Reframe your mindset and position yourself as strong, stylish and confident - and you'll join the Es Una mindset.
When you step onto the beach in Es Una, you'll find a union of contemporary style, femininity and practicality. We know that 'practicality' doesn't emanate a sense of fashion - but that's why Es Una came about.... because the tell tale Australian rashie (rash guard or rash vest) hadn't found a place with women. It had been a practical garment for children, surfers and sportspeople, but not for women who wanted to take on Summer with confidence (instead of a sausage skin) and style.
Q. How do you master the art of Summer with Es Una?
A. You imagine your beach experience and you partner it with the look you're aiming for.
What are you after?
A bit of fun and colour? Try our Protea collection.
A touch of sporty playfulness? Then you'll be after our Racer Back Rashie Dress.
An elegant beach walk? You'll want our Shoulder Shrug Rashie Dress and a pair of Swim Shorts as a modest swimsuit choice.
Protection against the aging rays of the sun? Then try our sun smart range that covers your shoulders and more, as well as looking like a beach bombshell!
If you haven't quite settled on your look, then let us help. Check out our Instagram for ideas and then shop our range of swim dresses and modest swimsuit options.
Bold styling, without compromise on quality. Our entire range is made right here in Australia.