What's in a name? Una

‘Es Una’ is ‘is feminine’ in Spanish. However, there is so much more to the name ‘Una’ that is personal to me; far more than its literal translation.
My Grandmother’s name was Una. She was the type that never left the house without her lipstick on. She always applied her lipstick, blotted with a tissue, and set with powder. And just when you thought she was done, she added another layer just to be sure. This routine delivered a remarkable outcome of keeping it on all day. A talent I admired, but never inherited.
I always apply my lipstick in the car, on my way out. And somehow, by the time I’ve reached my destination, it’s pretty much disappeared! I don’t know how. I try not to lick it or eat it, but it never lasts.
I was traveling overseas with a friend when Una passed away.
As a memorial, my friend and I would have ‘Granny days’, where we would wear lipstick and reapply all day (as neither of us could keep it on). We certainly looked overdone; as we were dressed as backpackers and had a bright whip of colour on our lips. But we felt uplifted. Happy.
It was fun. Granny would have loved it. And it was in her honour.
Even after all these years, I think of Granny every time I put on lipstick – especially when I have to reapply it within a very short timeframe!
While I am no lipstick aficionado, I do similar things that give me a boost of confidence. We all do. And that’s what Es Una (pronounced ‘you na’) is all about; giving you confidence.